Eastern Coral Snake
(Micrurus fulvius)
Linnaeus, 1766
Species commonly mistaken for the Eastern Coral Snake. How they are similar and how they are different.
Scarlet Kingsnake & Eastern Coral Snake similarities:
- Red, Yellow/White, and Black colored bands
- Bands make a complete circle around the body
- Feed on other Snakes and Lizards
- Fossorial living under leaflitter or straw
Scarlet Kingsnake & Eastern Coral Snake differences:
- Eastern Coral Snake every other band will be yellow, Scarlet Kingsnake every other band will be black
- Eastern Coral Snakes nose is black back past eyes, Scarlet Kingsnake nose is red generally back past eyes
- Eastern Coral Snakes eyes are solid black round pupil is not distinct, Scarlet Kingsnake eyes will generally have light iris making the pupil distinct
- Eastern Coral Snakes nose is round, Scarlet Kingsnakes nose is narrow
- Eastern Coral snake head will be thick at first yellow band, Scarlet Kingsnake head will be narrow at first yellow band
- Eastern Coral Snake bands change to only yellow and black bands at the tail, Scarlet Kingsnake bands retain the same three color sequence at tail
- Eastern Coral Snake red bands commonly have black flecking or spots present, Scarlet Kingsnake red bands generally have no black flecking
- Eastern Coral Snake light bands are yellow, Scarlet Kingsnake light bands can be yellow or white
- Eastern Coral Snake has 15 mid body scale rows
The dorsal (or body) scales on the snake’s body are arranged… More and a divided anal plate
Shown in yellow. The scale or scales directly covering the… More, Scarlet Kingsnake has 19 mid body scale rows
The dorsal (or body) scales on the snake’s body are arranged… More and a single anal plate
Shown in yellow. The scale or scales directly covering the… More
Scarlet Snake & Eastern Coral Snake similarities:
- Red, Yellow/white, and Black colored
- Fossorial living under leaflitter or straw
Scarlet Snake & Eastern Coral Snake differences:
- Eastern Coral Snakes have complete bands that circle their body, Scarlet Snake light bands spread at the lower scale rows
The dorsal (or body) scales on the snake’s body are arranged… More to create the uniform light belly
- Eastern Coral Snake every other band will be yellow, Scarlet Snake every other color will be black
- Eastern Coral Snakes nose is black back past eyes, Scarlet Snake nose is red eyes are close to or even with the first black band across the head
- Eastern Coral Snakes eyes are solid black round pupil is not distinct, Scarlet Snake eyes may have dark iris making the pupil difficult to see but distinct
- Eastern Coral Snakes nose is round, Scarlet Snakes nose is pointed
- Eastern Coral snake head will be thick at first yellow band, Scarlet Snake head will be narrow at first yellow band
- Eastern Coral Snake bands change to only yellow and black bands at the tail, Scarlet Snake bands retain the same three color sequence at tail
- Coral Snake red bands commonly have black flecking or spots present and yellow bands have no flecking, Scarlet Snake red bands generally have no black flecking and light bands commonly have black flecking.
- Eastern Coral snake light bands are yellow, Scarlet Snake light bands are generally white with some yellow
- Eastern Coral Snakes bands are clearly bands, Scarlet Snake bands can separate high on the sides creating more of a red saddle outlined in black on the light base
- Eastern Coral Snake has 15 smooth midbody scale rows
The dorsal (or body) scales on the snake’s body are arranged… More and a divided anal plate
Shown in yellow. The scale or scales directly covering the… More, Scarlet snake has 19 scale rows
The dorsal (or body) scales on the snake’s body are arranged… More with keeled dorsal scales and a single anal plate
Shown in yellow. The scale or scales directly covering the… More